I never considered myself an ‘arty crafty’ type but have always had an ‘I could make that’ kind of attitude; because of this I decided to take an old Fair Isle jumper and turn it in to two teddy bears as an anniversary present for my sister – and so Burra Bears was born!
I had always been around knitting of some sort, my Mam was a prolific knitter; unfortunately I didn’t inherit her talent. I can’t knit to save myself (sewing is a different matter), but I have come to appreciate the skill and effort involved in every single Fair Isle jumper; the careful choice of pattern and blending of the colours combined with the painstaking construction process – all going to make each one totally individual.
find out moreHappily based in our small home studio on beautiful Burra Isle, one of the many amazing islands that make up the archipelago that is Shetland; we are Wendy & Robyn (Wendy is the one with the pink hair). A mother & daughter team who spend most of our week days laughing & working together to create the Original Shetland Teddy Bear.
Wendy likes to think that she is the creative force behind Burra Bears, but in reality she probably spends way too much time drinking (good) coffee and messing around on social media. Robyn on the other hand comes up with all the innovative product design, and puts it in to production using both her innate sense of style and her degree in Contemporary Textiles, along with the practical skills she inherited from her maternal Grandmother.
Completing the team are Maurice (husband of Wendy, father of Robyn); Maggie, antisocial, octagenarian Border Terrier and Peerie Alfie, the overenthusiastic office junior Yorkie. In his spare time, when not busy competing in Ironman events, triathalons etc., Maurice can often be found giving life to a Burra Bear using re-cycled stuffing. The two canine’s gave it a go but they were a dead loss; they remain just furry eye candy for our many visitors.
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